Haukeland University Hospital, Bergen, Norway, has joined the study and successfully recruited their first patient.
Protocol poster at WSC
Poster describing the SECRETO protocol was presented at World Stroke Congress, Hyderabad, India, 26-29 October 2016.
Newsletter III – October 2016
Good autumn start from the SECRETO Coordinating Center, and welcome to the new study sites that are about to begin subject recruitment: Bergen, Athens, Brescia, Reggio Emilia, Madrid, Nijmegen, Gothenburg, and Greifswald. Recruitment status Since the latest newsletter last spring, the recruitment of patients (n=125) and control subjects (n=75) has progressed favorably. Protocol paper The […]
100th patient enrolled
An important milestone has been achieved as the 100th patient was enrolled in the study! Congratulations go to Dr. Ossi Nerg, Kuopio University Hospital, Finland. Check this: The 7th Kuopio Stroke Symposium, 8-10 June 2016.
Newsletter II – April 2016
Greetings from the SECRETO Coordinating Center! We wish to thank you all for your cooperation and support thus far in this exciting journey to search explanations for early-onset cryptogenic strokes. The ongoing year 2016 has already proven to be rewarding when it comes to opening new sites as now all five Finnish university hospitals are […]
Congratulations Lisbon!
Hospital de Santa Maria, Lisbon, has joined the study and successfully recruited their first patient for SECRETO study, in search of causes for the young-onset cryptogenic strokes. Congratulations!
Season Greetings
As the end of year approaches, it is time to express our appreciation for your co-operation in the SECRETO study within the past year. In Finland, all the agreements between university hospitals are finalized and the study sites are getting active in finding eligible patients and their families to be enrolled. We wish to congratulate […]
Congratulations Istanbul!
Istanbul Medical School has joined the study and successfully recruited their first patient and control subject. Congratulations!
Newsletter I – April 2015
End of the pilot phase In these fascinating times of rapidly growing general inter-est in cryptogenic stroke, we are pleased to announce the first newsletter of the SECRETO study — an international consortium to search explanations for cryptogenic stroke in the young. Study procedures and online database have undergone rigorous testing and improvements since we […]